YMCA Stories - Page 3 of 6 - YMCA DownsLink Group

YMCA Stories

Josh sat on a sofa smiling, wearing a red jumper and blue jeans

Josh’s story

A year ago, Josh was facing homelessness. He was having trouble at home and didn’t get on with his parents. After moving into our supported accommodation, Josh took every opportunity he could to help other people like him.

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Sam sat on a boat with the sea behind him and a white boat in the distance

Sam’s story

Following on from two lockdowns and starting a new school, Sam was suffering from social anxiety. After reluctantly started therapy with us, Sam settled into the sessions and his worries began to lessen.

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Mollie wearing a white shirt smiling taking a selfie

Mollie’s story

Mollie’s anxious thoughts were taking over her life and stopping her from being independent. But when she started seeing a YMCA counsellor, she was empowered to gain back control.

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Mapalo sat at a desk smiling at he camera

Mapalo’s story

A heart attack permanently altered Mapalo’s mum’s personality. Forced to go to school with a suitcase full of her belongings, Mapalo would present herself as homeless. Things changed when she turned 18.

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Daniel sat on his bed listening to music

Daniel’s story

What does Chaplaincy really mean to the young people we support? One resident, Daniel, who has recently ‘moved on’ to a transitional property from a Foyer, explained the difference Chaplaincy made to him.

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YMCA enables people to develop their full potential in mind, body and spirit. Inspired by and faithful to our Christian values, we create supportive, inclusive and energising communities, where young people can truly belong, contribute and thrive.

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