Maya's story - YMCA DownsLink Group

Maya’s story

Image of young woman smiling with brown hair, wearing a yellow tshirt.

Maya’s* childhood was filled with instability as she constantly moved around the country, changing towns, schools and who she was living with. She found a home in our supported accommodation when she was just 16 and started to build up her life skills and create some consistency with our support. One thing is for sure, Maya is fiercely determined. She’s been saving up money by working two jobs whilst also attending online school so she can go to university soon. She tells us her story in her own words:


Life before YMCA

When I was younger, I moved around a lot when my parents split up. I couldn’t stay with my dad, and my mum moved to a small village. I couldn’t really go to school or anything around that time because of the instability. I was just moving all the time. When I was 16, I ended up staying with my sister for a bit, but her flat was too small and her child struggles with autism and found it all too overwhelming. So, I ended up moving into a YMCA when I was just 16.

The process was really quick; I had an interview here and the same day they accepted me. I moved in just a couple of days later.

I’d never really heard of YMCA before, so I didn’t know what to expect. I thought it would be really hectic because the building is quite big, but it isn’t at all. The other residents here are very friendly. We’re all quite independent but if you want to speak to other people, they’ll happily speak to you.

Adjusting to life at YMCA

I’ve lived here for almost a year now. I think I adjusted to living here independently quite easily because I have been quite independent for a long time. I’ve always known how to cook and clean after myself.

I saw my Project Worker a lot to begin with and then it became about once a week. We tried to establish what my time here was going to look like, what I wanted to get out of it and also what I needed from it.

It’s really easy to get support here. In my first couple of months, I was really ill. I had to go to the hospital in the middle of the night and the worker on call that night was so helpful and supportive. They got me a cab to the hospital and everything.

You also get a lot of independence living here. I prefer to be independent, but I know it’s so easy to talk to my Key Worker. It’s nice to be able to tap into the support whenever I want. It’s not overbearing, it’s just there when you need it.

Working Life

I started working quite quickly after I moved in. I didn’t want to be in the project all day with nothing to do. I wanted a routine. I had an interview in my first week of living here and got the job. I worked as soon as I could as a child. My first ever job was sweeping hair in a hair salon. I was so excited to have my own money, I felt so grown up.

At the moment I have two jobs. I’m trying to save up money so I can go into private renting in the future. Whenever I see a job advertised that is better pay, I’ll change jobs to that one. I’m working a lot, trying to save as much as I can.


I’ve also been doing online school. I’m doing subjects that I started before but couldn’t finish because I was moving around so much. I’ve restarted them this year and then I can hopefully go back to Sixth Form next year. I felt a bit down about being a year behind but hopefully I can join Year 13 next year and then go to university. I want to do neuroscience at university, maybe at Bristol or Birmingham.

I’m enjoying online school but it’s obviously different from going into school. When I did my GCSEs, I was moving around a lot anyway and towards the end I wasn’t going to school at all. I had to do all my own revision for my GCSEs and took exams in another school. I managed to do well in them without even going in.

Life skills

I’ve always been good at saving money. I get a weekly allowance from Social Services but it’s only around £60. In key work sessions, money is often a topic – checking we have it and are not throwing it away on things we don’t need. When I first moved in, they helped me set up a savings account, a direct debit and to make a plan for my savings.

I’ve also learnt to be more comfortable in my own company. Everything I do now is more independent. Now I do food shops on my own, clear up after myself, wash clothes and everything like that.

Now I cook for myself everyday as well. When I arrived, I wasn’t the best cook in the world so I watched videos online and read loads of recipes to get better. My go-to meal is chicken pasta because it’s easy and I’m never going to get bored of it.

I’ve also developed some stability and consistency which has helped me a lot with my mental health. I used to always think that I would be moving to a new place every week. I went to five different secondary schools so I always thought that this time next week I probably wouldn’t be in a school that I like. I’m so used to preparing to move on to the next thing, that’s probably why I’m already thinking about where I’ll go next after YMCA.

To be here now, with a stable job and knowing that nothing is going to change unless I want it to, is really nice.

*Name and photo have been changed to protect the identity of the young person.

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