YMCA Stories - YMCA DownsLink Group

YMCA Stories

Image of young woman smiling with brown hair, wearing a yellow tshirt.

Maya’s story

Maya’s childhood was filled with instability as she constantly moved around the country. She found a home in our supported accommodation when she was just 16 and started to build up her life skills and create some consistency with our support.

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Emi, e-wellbeing Youth Mental Health champion smiling, waring a denim jacket and white t-shirt

Emi’s story

Emi is one of our e-wellbeing Youth Researchers. After experiencing her own mental health struggles at a young age, Emi was determined to help other young people like herself.

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Georgia, smiling stood against a green background with a plant to her side

Georgia’s story

Georgia had her independence taken away from her when her living situation became unmanageable. She was given a home at YMCA DownsLink Group and received support to reconnect with her family and learn vital life skills.

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Temesgen smiling holding his medal at the end of the DownsLink Challenge

Temesgen’s story

At just 16, Temesgen had to leave his family in Ethiopia and start a new life in the UK. He was given a home with us and received support to learn English, take part in volunteering and join in with YMCA activities.

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Adi smiling at the Youth Matters Awards with a pink glitter background

Adi’s story

Adi is an unaccompanied asylum–seeking young person who threw himself into every opportunity when he moved into our supported accommodation despite facing huge adversity.

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Ex resident Millie smiling at the camera

Millie’s story

Millie had a difficult childhood which impacted her mental health and resulted in her leaving home at just 16. She was given a home in our 24-hour supported accommodation and life began to improve when she received the wraparound care and consistent support she needed.

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YMCA enables people to develop their full potential in mind, body and spirit. Inspired by and faithful to our Christian values, we create supportive, inclusive and energising communities, where young people can truly belong, contribute and thrive.

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