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Find out more about WiSE Services and how we can help
14 years experience in providing young people and professionals with support
YMCA WiSE is a Child Sexual Exploitation Project which works in the South East. We are based within YMCA DownsLink Group and work with children and young people up to 25 years old. Our primary focus of work is supporting young people affected by exploitation by raising awareness, educating and empowering.

What is Sexual Exploitation?
"Someone taking advantage of you sexually, for their own benefit. Through threats, bribes, violence, humiliation or by telling you that they love you, they will have the power to get you to do sexual things for their own or other people’s enjoyment.”
The Nia Project
YMCA WiSE Harmful Sexual Behaviour Report 23/24
During the 2023-24 academic year, YMCA WiSE Project has been working in partnership with Brighton and Hove Council to provide support to local schools around the issue of Harmful Sexual Behaviours.
The YMCA WiSE Schools Liaison Worker has been visiting schools to deliver specialist training to all school staff including pastoral teams on how to identify, intervene and support young people who have experienced or displayed harmful sexual behaviours. Our WiSE School Liaison Worker has also developed a range of resources for PSHE lessons and professionals to explore this topic further and gain a better understanding of boy’s health and social issues.
To see our recommendations and see how you can support please read through our report.
What does a WiSE session look like?
Typically, our sessions are casual and relaxed. Talking to young people about Child Sexual Exploitation can be an emotive and deeply personal topic. We place a large focus on making the young person feels comfortable and safe. We can have sessions in cafes, at the beach, on a walk or in a YMCA space. We focus on building a trusting and safe environment using conversation, resources and exploring different themes such as relationships, sex, consent, empowerment and wellbeing.

"It has helped a lot, I never opened up to professionals, but my WiSE worker helped me to open up and has taken a lot of problems off my shoulders"
What services are available at YMCA WiSE?
WiSE Sussex
In Sussex we work closely with Sussex Police and Barnardo’s on Project SOLAH (Safer Online at Home) which supports children and families with specific targeted support focusing on online safety. This is short term, brief intervention support. The is a closed referral pathway through Sussex Police.
Our CSE Practitioner-SOLAH roles are based in Sussex, and work with Sussex Police through Project SOLAH, as well as working with young people up to 25 years old who are experiencing or are at high risk of experiencing sexual exploitation. CSE Practitioners can support short term, brief interventions as well as hold a small caseload of complex longer term support cases.
YMCA WiSE has a Training Consultant who delivers a wide range of training around Sexual & Criminal Exploitation, Sex and Consent, Harmful Sexual Behaviour and more. Training is delivered to a wide range of professionals including Education Staff, NHS, Police, Social Workers and Community groups and services.
WiSE Surrey
We have three CSE Practitioners working across Surrey with young people up to 25 years old who are experiencing or are at high risk of experiencing sexual exploitation. In addition to this direct support, CSE Practitioners offer professional consultations to support other professionals working with young people affected by exploitation.
Our CSE Worker is based in Surrey, delivering group work interventions in schools to young people who have been identified as being at risk of exploitation. Our CSE Worker is also involved in an exciting county wide VAWG project which involves delivering specialist training packages to schools and contributing towards the creation of a county-wide campaign addressing the development of healthy relationships and harmful gender stereotyping.
Please note that engagement with the YMCA WiSE Project is voluntary; professionals cannot include YMCA WiSE as a compulsory part of a child or young person’s contract, order or conditional agreement. You must ensure that you have discussed a referral to YMCA WiSE with the child or young person and got their consent. If you require support with how to explain the WISE project to a young person or their family, please get in contact by emailing [email protected] or [email protected]

Stories of those supported by YMCA WiSE
Dani’s story
Tina’s story
George’s story
Refer someone now
Please note we are currently at capacity in Sussex for direct support, the team’s caseloads change frequently so please email Harriet Nixon at [email protected] to discuss any referrals and ongoing capacity.
We can continue to offer Professional Consultations; we create a tailored package of support for a professional already known the child or young person to take forward some of the work and can support ongoing with this. Please complete the Consultation Referral form and email to [email protected] to access this service.
If you suspect anyone is in immediate danger, call the Police on 999. If a child or young person is currently at risk of significant harm from CSE, refer immediately to your local Children’s Services.