YAC Brighton: Housing Advice for Young People
From 31 March 2024, the Youth Advice Centre (YAC) will no longer operate a housing advice drop-in clinic.
Housing Advice drop-in
From 31 March 2024, the Youth Advice Centre (YAC) will no longer operate a housing advice drop-in clinic.
- Young people requiring housing advice (including emergency assessments for homelessness) should approach Brighton and Hove City Council for assessment.
- If you are an existing client and need to update your YAC Housing Advisor, they will be based at the council until Friday 3 May 2024.
Call 01273294400 for more info.
*NEW WAY OF WORKING DURING COVID-19** - We will continue taking referrals both via telephone and online.
Support and Advice will continue via digital means and telephone support (in emergencies face-to-face).
Family mediation will continue via Zoom video conferencing and telephone support.
Floating support will continue via digital means and telephone support.
Telephone:Â Â 01273624432
Our phonelines are open Monday – Friday 9am-4.30pm.
Emails for each service:
YAC Family Mediation –  [email protected]
YAC Brighton Support and Advice –  [email protected]
YAC Social Media:   Facebook / Instagram
Click here for a housing benefit eligibility calculator
YMCA YAC Talk it Over
Talk it Over is a Brighton based mediation project for 14-25 year olds that provides a safe space to talk and to share how you are feeling with a trained mediator to support the process. Mediation supports and improves relationship breakdown and has been successful in preventing youth homelessness. If you would like to know more click here.