Community based counselling services
Brighton & Hove
Children and young people who are feeling low, anxious or stressed can receive support from the Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service, which is the hub for all mental health referrals for young people in Brighton & Hove, including CAMHS.
Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service offers a range of short-term support options for children and young people with mild to moderate mental health needs. All referrals are looked at on a case-by-case basis.
Children & young people aged 4-17: You’ll find support options for this age group below. Referrals can be made on the Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service website. There will be an option within the form if you wish to request an ASC or ADHD assessment from CAMHS. Please note that the Brighton and Hove Wellbeing Service serves as a referral gateway, but any questions regarding the ADHD/ASC pathway should be directed to CAMHS.
Young people aged 18-25: Click here to view the support options for this age group. Referrals can be made from that page.
There are several support options available for different age groups, please click the links below to find out more:
- Counselling (age 4-25)
- CBT (age 8-18)
- E-Wellbeing Online Counselling (age 13-25)
- Canine-assisted Therapy (age 10-25)
- Dramatherapy (age 4-17)
- Play Therapy (age 4-12)
- Groupwork (age 13-17)
- Mind the Gap community support (age 11-25)
- Emotional Wellbeing Support (age 11-25)
- Family Therapy
- Autistic Spectrum Condition / LD counselling
- Pilot offers for East and Central PCNs
Currently Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service have long waits of several months for therapy appointments in our service due to high levels of referrals. Unfortunately, waiting times for some specialist service offers can be up to a year. We therefore encourage people to make a referral as soon as possible.
They are currently offering appointments online via video calls with some face-to-face appointments possible where there is presenting need.
There will be a wait for your first appointment and we will be in touch as soon as one is available.
Unfortunately, due to service pressures, they are unable to hold people on the waiting list for specific appointments, such as after school or face-to-face appointments. Please note we do not have any late evening or weekend appointments.
Please be aware that the Wellbeing Service policy is to offer everyone two alternative appointment times, and then to discharge from the service if the person is not able to accept any of the appointments offered.
Some young people are able to access a quiet room in school to be able to attend their appointment and we are happy to provide a letter in support of this if this would be helpful.
For more information and referral forms, please visit the Brighton & Hove Wellbeing Service website or use the contact details below.
T 0300 002 0060 (local rate)
Phonelines are open Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm
E [email protected]
Email is monitored Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm

West Sussex
YMCA Dialogue offers face to face, video and online support for young people aged 11 up until their 18th birthday who live or have a GP in West Sussex. We offer a range of talking therapies, online support options and group sessions for young people who are struggling with their mental health.
We primarily offer therapy via video, however we also see young people in different locations in the community such as youth centres, children and family centres and our own buildings. Our online counselling takes place over our therapy platform “e-wellbeing”.
Please contact us using the details below if you would like to make a referral.
T 07739 893707
E [email protected]

Counselling services for schools and colleges
Find out more about our services for schools and colleges.