Providing therapy and counselling services to children, young people and families since 1994
Our digital well-being service
Wellbeing is a concept that encompasses both physical and mental health. We are committed to supporting the mental health of young people in our local community by offering professional counselling and therapy. Find out more about our YMCA Dialogue counselling services here.

Why ask for counselling?
Sometimes life can be really difficult and it can feel hard to cope. It’s OK to ask for help. Young people come to counselling for lots of different reasons, such as:
- Difficulties with parents, family, friends, partners or someone else
- Sadness, depression, unhappiness – maybe life does not seem worth living
- Anger, outbursts, or being violent causing concern to those around them
- Worries about school, college or work
- Concerns about sex or sexuality
- Alcohol, using drugs, using legal highs
- Someone close has died or is very ill
- Experience of abuse whether sexual, physical, emotional
- Self harm
Mental Health Support
Our YMCA Dialogue has been delivering counselling and therapy to children and young people since 1994.
Family Mediation at YAC Brighton
Talk it Over is a Brighton & Hove based mediation project for 14–25-year-olds that provides a safe space to talk and to share how you are feeling with a trained mediator. Mediation supports families in crisis is successful in preventing youth homelessness. If you would like to know more or would like support please contact us on the form here.
At talk it over we:
- Provide a safe, confidential space to talk.
- Offer family mediation and/or one-to-one parenting support.
- Listen, reflect, and empathise with all situations.
- Support any family make-up.
- Do not take sides or give advice.
Read young people's stories
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