Supported Accommodation: More Information - YMCA DownsLink Group

Supported Accommodation: More Information

What is supported housing?

This type of housing is commissioned by local authorities to ensure that individuals who are not able to live independently are given a level of housing-related support which enables them to sustain a tenancy or license. Each project has a different level of support offered and this will depend on the needs of residents and the commissioned service.

Individuals who are referred to our accommodation are either homeless, at risk of homelessness, or, are living in overcrowded and unsuitable conditions. 25% of the young people we support, are referred directly from the care system. Accommodation provided varies between independent flats for those with low housing-related support needs, to en-suite rooms with shared facilities for those requiring a higher level of housing-related support. We pride ourselves on the high quality of our accommodation and facilities and the high standard of our maintenance and refurbishment.

What housing-related support do we offer?

Our housing-related support is designed to help people live independently. It includes offering advice and support on self-care and hygiene, nutrition and cooking, life and work skills, personal relationships and community involvement. It also includes basic aspects of independent living such as maintaining conditions of rooms/flats, advice on security, and guidance on the use of domestic equipment.  Support is also offered around managing personal finance, budgeting, maintaining payments, avoidance of building up debt and saving towards their future. It also includes advice and support in claiming housing benefits, universal credit etc.

What is low to medium housing-related support?

Low, medium and high housing-related support, refers to the amount of time available to residents based on an assessment made by the referring body. We would typically provide 1 – 2 hours a week of housing-related support to residents referred into the service with low support needs and up to 4/4.5 hours per week for those requiring medium levels of housing-related support.  This support could involve direct engagement with the resident or could be support given on their behalf (such as applying for grants or other support for them).

The housing-related support provided is voluntary and not mandatory. However, this sort of supported accommodation is in high demand and it is an expectation of the tenancy, that tenants will use the available housing-related support provided by us. Those who do not use the support available will be expected to move on to other accommodation.

The support provided includes working with tenants to maximise their physical and emotional wellbeing but specialist mental health and wellbeing support is provided by other agencies.  Counselling is not part of the housing-related support offer.  We do not provide personal care and where intervention is required this is a statutory responsibility of the local authority.

What is 24 hour staffed accommodation?

Approximately one third of the housing we provide is 24 hour supported accommodation. Residents referred into this accommodation, are likely to have complex and/or multiple support needs including a combination of alcohol/drug misuse, physical health conditions and mental health concerns.

Residents may need access to support at all times and this type of accommodation has a staff presence on site, 24 hours a day, every day for 365 days a year. Residents will have a set amount of support time which could include both direct face-to-face support as well as support given on their behalf (ie - completing forms for them). In addition, group and community activities are made available and residents are encouraged to take part.

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