The e-wellbeing Podcast - YMCA DownsLink Group

The e-wellbeing Podcast

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A brand new e-wellbeing podcast focusing on all things mental health is now live.

Brought to you by the digital team at YMCA DownsLink Group, e-wellbeing is a digital wellbeing service that provides young people with tips, ideas and easily accessible support for their mental health and wellbeing.

At a time when everyone is adjusting to a ‘new normal’ and the threat of lockdown measures potentially being reintroduced, young people are experiencing unprecedented change to life as they know it. Being placed into school bubbles, exam uncertainties, the #BlackLivesMatter movement, university tuition fees and much more – all have an impact on their mental health and wellbeing.

Research suggests that young people are turning to digital platforms like social media, podcasts and vlogs for quick and easily accessible mental health advice and support. Also known as the digital generation, they are growing up connected to the world around them through smartphones and digital devices and are actively exploring these platforms for diverse sources of information whilst wanting their voices to be heard. Cue the e-wellbeing podcast!

Each monthly podcast episode of e-wellbeing’s new podcast features interviews with experts and leading mental health professionals on social issues impacting young people’s mental health and wellbeing.

In light of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, e-wellbeing’s first ever podcast featured Kadra Abdinasir, Head of Children & Young People’s Mental Health from the Centre for Mental Health. Hosted by e-wellbeing’s digital team, two of our young people (Emily and Josh) asked Kadra for supportive advice when dealing with racism online and in school/the workplace. Here’s a snippet of what Kadra had to say…

“Young people from Black and Ethnic Minority backgrounds report positive experiences when accessing online support compared to traditional support. They do tend to find online provision is more beneficial for them.”

“It’s really important that you do speak to somebody as it will help you manage those daily difficulties that all of us can experience before it becomes more serious. Seeking support can help you feel a lot more empowered and taking charge of your own mental health.”

“It’s touching to see so many young people involved in the #BLM movement and really want to see change happening fast. I would encourage you to try and remain hopeful.”

To hear more from Kadra and the full podcast click here to have a listen and here for #BLM resources featured on the e-wellbeing website.

The next episode of e-wellbeing’s podcast will be on Lockdown Life with the infamous Dr Pooky Knightsmith – a specialist in child and adolescent mental health and emotional wellbeing. An educator, speaker and author of several books on mental health, Pooky will provide insightful tips and strategies to young people on how to survive the uncertainties of lockdown and getting back into routines. Keep your eyes peeled for an announcement in October.

Further episodes of the podcast will be on Social Media, Youth Homelessness, Peer Pressure and much more! The e-wellbeing podcast is accessible on most formats including smartphone apps, where you can subscribe and leave a review.

If you have a question from a young person for a future episode of the podcast or would like to find out more about any of YMCA Dialogue’s digital therapy platforms, please contact [email protected].

By Nicola Harvey, Digital Wellbeing Development Lead



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