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The 2.6 Challenge: Thank you
The 2.6 Challenge At the end of April, we joined other charities across the nation in the 2.6 Challenge – a fundraising campaign intended […]
Make Change Count 2020
Brighton & Hove’s, Make Change Count campaign supporting people who are rough sleeping, is back for 2020. We’re teaming up again with many other […]
Pint Sized Super Hero Fundraiser
At just four year’s old, Poppy Napthine has set herself a marathon challenge. She is attempting to ride 26 miles in a week to […]
Taking on the 2.6 Challenge!
Like many charities, our fundraising has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. With many fundraising events postponed or cancelled, we are joining the […]
YMCA Dialogue launch e-wellbeing service for children and young people
We’re delighted to announce the launch of a new online service, from our counselling team (YMCA Dialogue) that supports young people with their […]
COVID-19 Mutual Aid Group pulls community together
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Although the COVID-19 pandemic is creating terrible news on a daily basis, there are also amazing examples of human kindness. Our mission to tackle […]
Helping vulnerable young people to access counselling, support and advice
During the coronavirus outbreak, our number one priority is keeping services running for some of the most vulnerable people in our community. This includes […]
Holding hope in times of challenge
Our counselling service, YMCA Dialogue, has responded to the COVID-19 crisis by enabling all of its counsellors to work online. So, all the young […]