Lockdown Resources to Support Young People's Mental Health - YMCA DownsLink Group Skip to content

Lockdown Resources to Support Young People’s Mental Health

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With Lockdown 3.0 in full swing, many of the young people YMCA DownsLink Group supports may be feeling isolated, bored, missing their friends and worried about school or university.

Focused on all things mental health, e-wellbeing is an NHS approved digital wellbeing service for young people. We provide tips, advice and support for young people during lockdown and beyond, so they can access the right tools for their emotional health and mental wellbeing.

We’re incredibly proud of e-wellbeing’s young volunteers and friendly mental health experts who have helped us create the following resources:

  • e-wellbeing’s updated Coronavirus Module can be found here.
  • Our Podcast on Lockdown Life with Dr Pooky Knightsmith responding to young people’s questions on the impact of being in the previous lockdown is here.
  • Free downloadable Mental Health Resources which can be used by young people, schools, parents and practitioners working with young people can be found here.
  • e-wellbeing’s recent mental health campaign #YouGotThis shared advice and handy tips for young people. Check out the campaign’s wrap video below:


Sharing is caring, so please do share the resources above and the e-wellbeing website with the young people you support. Together we can raise awareness and inspire more young people to look after their mental health during this pandemic and beyond.

Lastly, if you think you may have Coronavirus and need guidance on what to do, click here for the NHS 111 website where you can find advice and support.

Be safe everyone and take care of yourselves.



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