YMCA DownsLink Group Covid-19 Update - YMCA DownsLink Group

YMCA DownsLink Group Covid-19 Update

Covid virus

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]At YMCA DownsLink Group our utmost priority is the safety and wellbeing of the thousands of young people we support every day. Covid-19 (Coronavirus) presents an unprecedented challenge in our lifetime but our staff and volunteers are committed to doing whatever it takes, including developing new ways of working, to ensure that we continue to provide our vital services throughout this time.

We are working hard to ensure that our frontline services stay open and operate as normally as possible during this difficult period. Staff are being redeployed, where necessary, to ensure our supported housing projects continue to provide a safe home for our vulnerable young people. Clear contingency plans are in place to ensure the safety of all residents and staff if anyone develops symptoms of Covid-19.

Our advice services, including counselling (YMCA Dialogue), our Youth Advice Centre (YMCA YAC) and one-to-one support for young people at risk of sexual exploitation (YMCA WiSE) will continue to operate through telephone support and video links where possible.

In some instances, where schools remain open, our counselling services may use these as a base from which to operate. However, mainly these services will now be delivered via telephone or online. All details will be published on our website.

Clearly, there will be increased pressure on our services, but we are committed to protecting the vulnerable young people we support through this uncertain time, a time when they may need us most.

We would like to thank you for your continued support which enables us to make a life-changing difference to some of the most marginalised in our community.

If you would like to receive any further information then please do email us at  [email protected].[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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