Sherylee's story

Sherylee’s story

Sherylee cropped

Sherylee moved into Worthing Foyer as she was finding it too difficult to live on her own. She struggled with attending music college and had dropped out. Staff at the foyer supported her by helping her develop strategies to cope with the anxiety she was feeling.

Within a few weeks of settling into Worthing Foyer, Sherylee began re-attending college on a trial basis, managed to catch up on the course work she had missed and re-gained her place. She also started to work part-time. Staff continued to work with Sherylee to develop her life skills, such as budgeting, money management, maintaining a home, dealing with stress, cooking etc. Staff also supported her in her passion for music, by encouraging her to share her music with others and to perform regularly at local venues. Her confidence grew to the extent that she even released her first record.

Sherylee was offered a place on a two-year foundation degree in Music Performance and staff helped her to apply for student finance, find student accommodation and prepare her for independent living.

Sherylee is thriving at music college, it is fantastic to see her doing so well and we can’t wait to see what she does next.

You can make a difference to a vulnerable young person near you


If you would like to support a young person like Sam why not sign up to our ROOM SPONSORSHIP scheme. For just 40p a day you could make a long-term difference to a young person needing support at this crucial time in their lives. You can put them on the path to a brighter future.

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