We have Secured vital housing for young people in Crawley - YMCA DownsLink Group

We have Secured vital housing for young people in Crawley

crawley foyer sign

We have successfully purchased 10 properties in Crawley, ensuring essential housing for young people continues.  

This acquisition includes nine properties previously leased from London and Quadrant housing association (L&Q) and an additional property for general needs adults. 

The nine properties provide 27 homes for young people up to the age of 25, offering transitional accommodation to help them move from supported housing to more independent living. Each young person is assigned a key worker although 24/7 support is not provided. 

Additionally, we have acquired Ashdown Court, a 10-unit property for general needs adults. Existing tenancies will be honoured, and as they end, Ashdown Court will transition into a mix of general needs and homes for young people living independently. 

Our Director of Services Lorri Holding said: “We’re delighted to have bought these housing units which will allow us to continue offering a safe, nurturing environment where young people can develop essential life skills and transition to independent living. We’re committed to supporting them as they build a sense of belonging in their local community.” 

The purchase was made possible through the Recycled Capital Grant Fund (RCGF) provided by Homes England, following the sale of student accommodation in Guildford in 2022.  

In July 2024, we used their RCGF to buy a Brighton property that is home to eight young families in supported housing from Peabody Trust.  


YMCA enables people to develop their full potential in mind, body and spirit. Inspired by and faithful to our Christian values, we create supportive, inclusive and energising communities, where young people can truly belong, contribute and thrive.

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