Championing mental health in education - YMCA DownsLink Group

Championing mental health in education

ewellbeing team championing mental health

Nicola Harvey, Digital & Youth Engagement Lead, shares an exciting update from e-wellbeing:

I am delighted to announce that Brighton & Hove City Council, have recommissioned YMCA Dialogue’s e-wellbeing service, to deliver Mental Health Champions in schools and colleges for another three years!

Mental Health Champions is a youth-led project where students (also known as Champions), represent their peers to create ‘student-led actions’ and tackle stigma, by promoting positive mental health and wellbeing in their schools. In the past, the e-wellbeing team have supported Champions to explore a range of issues, including bullying, discrimination, homework stress, and loneliness.

See the video below, for highlights from e-wellbeing’s most recent Celebration Event:

I would also like to extend a huge thank you and well done, to members of the e-wellbeing team (Charlotte, Leon, and Raquel), and our volunteer youth ambassadors, for their hard work and dedication into making Mental Health Champions a success!

For more information on the project, including our impact, go to


YMCA enables people to develop their full potential in mind, body and spirit. Inspired by and faithful to our Christian values, we create supportive, inclusive and energising communities, where young people can truly belong, contribute and thrive.

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